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    Movie Reviews

    Dolphin Tale 2-Children’s Movie Review

    Winter (the dolphin) is back and her story of hope and inspiration is continued. In Dolphin Tale 2 we see Winter, with her state-of-the art prosthetic tail, living in the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Loved and cared for by her human best friend, Sawyer (Nathan Gamble), and the staff at the aquarium, Winter goes through another trying time. When her tankmate dies of old age, Winter is left without a dolphin companion. Showing signs of  depression, and the unwillingness to perform, the government threatens to take Winter to an aquarium in Texas, to be with her own kind. This would not only devastate Winter’s human friends, but it would also financially ruin the Clearwater Aquarium. Now Sawyer and the aquarium staff, try to find another female dolphin so Winter can be happy, and be the aquarium’s star attraction once again. Based on a true story, Dolphin Tale 2 is a wonderful movie for the whole family.

    Dolphin Tale 2Rating: 5  out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: December 9, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 7+
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: None
    Drugs and Alcohol: None
    Will it Appeal to kids? Yes


    Talking Points:

    We see a wounded war veteran with a prosthetic leg. He was a fictional character, however at the end of the film we see real people with disabilities visiting Winter, watching him perform with his prosthetic tail. It was very heartwarming to see the young children and adults who were inspired by this dolphin. This will spark some great parent/child conversations.

    There is an all-star cast, to name a few; Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Kris Kristofferson, and Nathan Gamble.

    Though a very appropriate film, young kids (5 and under) may get bored as it is slow in parts.

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent Content: Mild

    • After Winter’s tankmate dies,  Winter is very depressed and lashes out at Sawyer with her beak.
    • When Winter gets a new tankmate they had to be separated quickly, to prevent them from hurting one another.

    Crude or Profane Language: None

    Drugs and Alcohol: None

    Will it Appeal to Kids? Yes

    • I interviewed a 7 year-old girl who said she loved the film. Her comment was, “My favorite part was when Winter and the Dolphin Hope bonded.”

    Overall this is a very refreshing heartfelt movie, appropriate for the whole family.








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