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    Movie Reviews

    Mars Needs Moms Review

    “My mom washes my clothes, my mom vacuums, my mom tucks me in.” That’s what nine year-old Milo (voice of Seth Green) said when he discovered that his mom was captured by Martians.It all started one night when Milo and his mom (voice of Joan Cusack) had an argument, (Milo didn’t eat his broccoli), and Milo said, “My life would be better if I didn’t have a mom at all.” Milo soon came to realize that he really did need his mom, however the Martians thought they needed her more, so they grabbed her, and off to Mars they went. Now it’s up to Milo to rescue his mom from Mars, and let her know how much she’s loved and needed in their home….something all mom’s want love to hear.

    Rating: Five out of five buckets
    Release Date: August 9, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: Any age
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: None

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points
    This movie is absolutely adorable. It’s a heartwarming movie, one for the whole family, with a blatant message about the importance of love, and that, “Moms are great and family is essential.”

    After Milo told his mom, that his life would be better if he didn’t have her; he felt awful and immediately wanted to apologize, though it was too late. This could spark a good parent/child discussion. It was cute to see how determined he was to try to save his mom.

    This film was very fun, with likable characters: Gribble (voice of Dan Fogler), another human stranded on Mars, was funny, and had a lot of good one-liners. He was Milo’s “best bud,” and very tech-savvy, which helped Milo later in the movie.

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent Content: Mild
    • Some Martians shoot lasers at Milo and his friends.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    • Words like “dummy” and “jerk” were used.

    I laughed and I cried in this wonderful animated movie. Parents will love the messages about love and family, and kids will love the characters and storyline. Mars needs his moms, but don’t we all! Good for all ages!

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