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    Movie Reviews

    Rango Review

    Who knew that a chameleon could have an identity crisis? Well, in this animated western comedy we meet a pet chameleon (voice of Johnny Depp), who feels like an outsider. Initially, he has lived his life in a terrarium, but always fantasized about becoming a hero. When he eventually gets out of the tank, he ends up in a gritty, western town called Dirt. In this town he becomes the hero he always wanted to be. He’s made the local sheriff, and decides that his name is Rango. However, Rango eventually realizes that it’s easier to dream about being a hero, than actually be one; as he tries to save this western town from their local outlaw, Rattlesnake Jake.

    Rating: One out of five buckets
    Release Date: March 4, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: Not Recommended
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points
    Rango is directed by the same director as The Pirates of the Caribbean movies. In most animated films the creatures are cute and lovable, not in Rango. The creatures are disgusting with brown, decayed teeth, and leathery skin, which many kids will be scared of, and frankly, it’s not at all pleasant to watch for anyone. There are some saloon scenes where these creatures are smoking cigars and drinking. It’s implied that one guy passed out from being drunk

    There is a lot of potty humor, which I typically don’t mind, however in this movie the humor is targeted towards adults and not kids. Some of the jokes are about enlarged prostates, laxatives and mammograms, which I feel most kids won’t even understand.

    If I have to find a redeeming quality I would say there is a nice message that everyone needs to believe in something.

    Sexual Content: Mild
    In the beginning of the movie Rango is staging a play in his terrarium, which he typically loved to do. In his plays there is a headless and shirtless Barbie torso. He points to her chest and says, “Are those real?”

    Violent Content: Excessive
    The movie is set in an old western town. It’s a creepy, scary setting especially for a PG animated film. There are many scary scenes, but I’ll just mention one scene.
    • Rattlesnake Jake grabs a girl, whom Rango likes, the snake licks her and says in a creepy voice, “I want to watch you die.”

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    • There is swearing in this animated film. Words such as “h**l”, “d$%m”, and “a@#” are said.

    Overall I didn’t like this movie. It was an animated film, which I associate with kids, that was not geared towards kids. Parents were uncomfortable in the theater, some even took their kids and walked out. Which I would have done if I wasn’t reviewing the film.

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