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    Movie Reviews

    The Hunger Games Review

    “May the odds be ever in your favor,” is the slogan used by the government officials of Panem, (a totalitarian ruled country); as the children are randomly selected to participate in the annual Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which one boy and one girl (called tributes) from each of Panem’s 12 districts are picked to fight with one another, until there is only one survivor… the winner! The story highlights the tributes from the impoverished District 12; Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson). With Katniss’ fierce determination and her skill of archery and hunting; and Peeta’s strength and support, the two from District 12 try their hardest to survive through the bitter end! The Hunger Games is based on the first book of Susanne Collins’ sci-fi trilogy. See the book come to life in this amazing, suspenseful movie; and may the odds be ever in your favor!

    Rating: 5 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: August 18, 2012
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate


    See the trailer here!

    See my review here!

    Talking Points:

    With the premise of kids killing kids, there are definitely some disturbing moments. However, the director does an amazing job of distorting the violent images, as the camera shakes in most disturbing scenes. Having said that parents need to be aware of the intensity of the film, as I think parental guidance should be strongly encouraged for kids 12 and younger.

    Whether kids are reading the books in school or on their own, they will be astounded at how true to the book this film is. Even though the character development is poorly established, (though only with some characters), it won’t matter for those who have read the books. Important background information is shown through flashbacks throughout the film.

    Katniss is a courageous, strong willed character. With the death of her father, she became the head of the house, taking care of her distraught mom, and her 12 year old sister, Prim. Initially Prim was selected from District 12, though it was Katniss who volunteered to take her sister’s spot. This was an emotional scene.

    Even though the ultimate goal was to kill one another, there were some wonderful relationships, and acts of kindness in the film as well.

    • Rue, a younger tribute, looked up to Katniss for help and support during the games.
    • There were other tributes who helped others as well, knowing only one would survive.While Katniss was willing to sacrifice her life for her sister, Peeta was willing to do the same for Katniss.
    • Gale, Katniss’ best friend from home, promised to take care of Katniss’ family while she was away. He did the best that he could do under horrific circumstances.

    The actors were wonderful. To name a few; Jennifer Lawrence, shined in her role as Katniss, and is a strong role model for young girls. Elizabeth Banks played Effie, District 12’s escort, she tried to turn the games into a fun, exciting event. Woody Harrelson plays the drunk Haymitch, DistrictTwelve’s mentor, and a past winner of the Hunger Games; he is perfect for the role.

    The film is about 2 hours and 20 minutes, which went by so quickly!!! It was extremely captivating and suspenseful, and an emotional roller coaster.

    As in many films there is the idea of good vs. evil, and it is once again portrayed in this film. The Capitol, where the rich and privileged live, look down on the 12 districts, which represent different levels of poverty and skill; with District 12 being the poorest of them all. The games originally began with the District’s revolt against the Capitol, which in turn began the traditional Hunger Games. The Capitol’s citizens are cruel and evil, only wanting to attain power and control, and to be entertained. This could spark some great parent/child conversations of a totalitarian government, a constant theme throughout the film.

    The games were nationally televised. We saw family members watching their young ones die, while members of the Capitol were happily cheering, as though they were watching a football game. That part was sad and disturbing.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Two character’s kiss.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There was a gang and bully mentality, as some of the older tributes were laughing about the killings, while enjoying the games!
    • There were fights amongst the character’s, which was disturbing knowing they were hoping to kill one another.
    • One kid was hit in the head with a brick, another disturbing scene.
    • A girl got hit with a spear, and she pulled it out of her abdomen….that was gory.
    • Hundred’s of wasps attacked and killed many characters.
    • We saw character’s severely injured, with bloody, open wounds.
    • We saw character’s being stabbed, burned to death, and shot with bow and arrows.
    • Large beasts were shown killing characters.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “H–,” was said once, and “d–n,” was said a couple times.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate

    • Haymitch, District 12’s mentor, was an alcoholic.
    • Character’s were shown drinking wine at dinner.

    Having read the book, and with the appealing character’s and intriguing storyline, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Depending on the kids sensitivity to violence, this film is appropriate for kids ages 13 and up. I know some 10 and 11 year-olds who really want to see the film, but who are easily disturbed by violence; I recommend they wait. However, if they do see it in the theater, I strongly encourage them to be accompanied by their parents, they may need a little extra TLC!

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