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    Movie Reviews

    My Sister’s Keeper Review

    “My Sister’s Keeper” is about a family with 2 kids. The daughter is diagnosed with leukemia as a young child and the family is desperate to save her life. When they can’t find a compatible bone marrow donor for their daughter, they go to drastic measures, and the parents conceive another daughter, who is genetically engineered to be the perfect match. Later, as a 7 year old, Anna(the younger child) realizes that she was brought into the world for the sole purpose of saving her sister’s life, and she decides to sue her parents to get out of the procedures that had dominated her life. The decisions that the parents made to save their ill child, raises moral and ethical conflicts that could destroy the whole family.

    Rating: Two out of five buckets
    Release Date:
    November 17, 2009
    MPAA Rating:
    Best Age Group:
    Sexual Content
    Violent/Disturbing Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content:

    See the trailer here!

    Talking points:

    Though the family faced many trials, they still had family meals, laughed and played together.

    Parents in the audience will relate to the unconditional love that Kate’s parents portray, while trying to save their daughters life.

    Kate’s mom’s(Cameron Diaz) whole life is consumed with trying to save her ill child. She will do anything to save her daughters life, though she neglects her 2 other kids and husband.

    It’s not a feel good movie, my daughter and I left feeling depressed.

    I interviewed many teenage girls who thought that the movie was okay. That’s exactly how my daughter and I felt. The book was much better!

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • In the movie Kate implies that she and her boyfriend had sex. Kate said to her mom “we did it.”

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate

    • The film is very disturbing when Kate vomits blood, and when her nose bleed profusely in many scenes. At the end of the movie she’s really sick, her face and body are covered with bruises.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • The f-word is used once ,and about five s-words. The d-word, h-word and

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Characters drink wine and beer. It’s mentioned that someone was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver.

    Overall it’s a very heart-wrenching dramatic movie that will make you laugh and cry.
    The movie is suitable for girls, 13 and up, who would be interested in the movie’s mature subject matter.

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