Last Christmas-Kids’ Movie Review
Poor Kate (Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke), life has not been that easy for this twenty six year old aspiring singer who survived a life-threatening illness. She continuously auditions for singing parts and never seems to get them, and she has a job as an elf in a year-round Christmas shop. However, Kate’s life dramatically changes when she meets Tom (Henry Golding), a volunteer at a homeless shelter. Through a lot of ups and downs Kate eventually realizes that true happiness comes from helping others. Last Christmas is a romantic comedy, and a feel good holiday film for the whole family.
Rating: 4 out of 5 popcorn buckets
Release Date: November 7, 2019
MPAA Rating: PG13
Best Age Group: 13+
Sexual Content: Moderate
Violent/Disturbing Content: None
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Talking Points:
- The wonderful music of George Michael and Wham are woven throughout the film.
Sexual Content: Moderate
- It’s implied that Kate has sex with several different men. We see her waking up in a man’s bed; naked under the covers.
- Character’s are shown kissing.
- Sex is often talked about, however we don’t see anything.
Violent/Disturbing Content: None
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
- We hear “s–t,” “d–k,” “hell,” “penis,” and “damn.”
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
- We see characters drinking in a bar.
- Characters do shots.
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Overall, Last Christmas is a feel good wonderful romantic comedy.
Terminator: Dark Fate-Kids’ Movie Reviews
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are back in the sixth movie of the popular Terminator series. Terminator: Dark Fate takes place in Mexico City. It follows the life of a young girl named Dani who’s on the run from a Terminator who’s from the future. With the help of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and a hybrid cyborg human, the three woman band together and try and destroy the evil Terminator.
Rating: 3 out of 5 popcorn buckets
Release Date: October 31, 2019
MPAA Rating: R
Best Age Group: 13+
Sexual Content: Mild
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Talking Points:
Sexual Content: Mild
- We see couples passionately kiss.
- We bare bottoms of the time travelers.
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
- There are a lot of intense sci-fi/fantasy violence scenes.
- Characters are shot, sliced, and stabbed to death.
- There are car crashes and explosions.
- We see numerous dead and bloody bodies.
Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
- We hear “f–k,” “s–t,” “a-hole,” “ass,” and “son of a bitch” throughout the film.
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
- We see characters drinking beer.
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Overall this is an intense action packed movie. Depending on the child this is appropriate for kids ages 14 and up. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence and profane language.
Arctic Dogs-Kids Movie Reviews
Swifty, the Arctic Fox, has big dreams. He works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service, and he wants to become a “Top Dog”. However, things get difficult for the dogs when Swifty the fox discovers that Otto Von Walrus has a plan to destroy the arctic. So now Swifty and his group of misfit animals band together and try and save their beloved home. Arctic Dogs is a kid friendly animated movie.
Rating: 4. 5 out of 5 popcorn buckets
Release Date: October 31, 2019
MPAA Rating: PG
Best Age Group: 5
Sexual Content: Mild
Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
Crude or Profane Language: Mild
Drug and Alcohol Content: None
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Talking Points:
Sexual Content: Mild
- We see two different couples kiss.
Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
- The villain, Otto Van Walrus, wants to destroy the Arctic.
- Otto releases a harmful gas into the air.
- The villain also kidnaps animals and threatens to submerge them in a tank of boiling water.
- Machines explode and catch on fire.
- Swifty joins a secret group, “The Resistance.” He’s punched in the face as part of the initiation.
Crude or Profane Language: Mild
- Name calling such as ‘idiots” and “freaks.”
Drug and Alcohol Content: None
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Overall, this is a fun, animated film for kids ages 5 and up. Parents need to be aware of the moderate violent content.
Countdown-Kids’ Movie Review
“What if an app could tell you how long before you die?” When a group of teens are at a party having fun while playing drinking games they stumble across an interesting app called Countdown. This app predicts when the user is going to die. The film highlights the life of Quinn Harris (Elizabeth Lail), a nurse who has the disturbing app, and she finds out that she’s going to die in a few days. When Quinn buys a new phone she meets a guy named Matt who also has a short lifespan. Quinn and Matt, along with a tech nerd and a priest, try to beat the powerful curse behind the app.
Rating: 3 out of 5 popcorn buckets
Release Date: October 24, 2019
MPAA Rating: PG13
Best Age Group: 13+
Sexual Content: Mild
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
Drug and Alcohol Content: Moderate
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Talking Points:
Sexual Content: Mild
- A couple kiss and sleep in the same bed together.
- We see a female character lifting her shirt up and then starts undoing a man’s pants.
- A teen girl is caught in her closet with her shirtless boyfriend.
- A male doctor aggressively tries to kiss a female co-worker.
- Flirting.
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
- There are creepy monsters.
- Several characters die.
- We see bloody wounds and dead bodies.
- A woman hits a man with a crowbar.
- A girl is thrown threw a glass window and injured from the glass.
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
- We hear the f-word once. We also hear “sh-t,” “bitch,” “sons of bitches,” “hell,” “a–hole,” “damn,” and “godddamn,”
Drug and Alcohol Content: Moderate
- A teenage boy drives home drunk from a party and crashes his car into a tree.
- We see adults drinking beers in a bar.
- Teens play drinking games at a party.
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Overall this is a suspenseful drama. Depending on the child, this is appropriate for kids ages 13 and up. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence and disturbing content.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil-Kids’ Movie Review
“She said yes!” Everyone is thrilled because Prince Philip and Aurora, Queen of the Moors, are getting married. Finally Phillip’s kingdom of Ulstead and Aurora’s fairy kingdom of the Moors will be united. However, the prince’s mother, Queen Ingrith (Michelle Pfeiffer), is not happy with this engagement, and eventually chaos ensues. The queen not only wants to destroy Maleficent, but also all the fairies. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is Disney’s live-action sequel to the 2014 retelling of the beloved fairy tale Sleeping Beauty.
Rating: 4 out of 5 popcorn buckets
Release Date: October 17, 2019
MPAA Rating: PG
Best Age Group: 8+
Sexual Content: Mild
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
Crude or Profane Language: None
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Talking Points:
- The importance of love and peace is woven throughout the film.
Sexual Content: Mild
- An engaged couple passionately kiss several times.
- Two fairy’s kiss and hold hands.
Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
- There is a war between humans and fairies.
- A pixie creates a red powder that kills fairies. The fairies turn to dust when they contact the powder.
- A character gets impaled.
Crude or Profane Language: None
Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
- Characters are shown drinking wine.
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Overall this is a wonderful film however, parents need to be aware of the excessive violence that may frighten sensitive viewers.