Les Miserable – Teen Movie Review
Les Miserable, set amid the 1832 French Revolution, is centered around the life of ex-prisoner Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman). When Valjean met a dying woman named Fontine (Anne Hathaway), he promised to raise and care for her young daughter, Cosette (Amanda Seyfried). Valjean took his role as an adopted father very seriously; he became a better man, which changed his life forever. Based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel, this is a powerful story about love, redemption and forgiveness; a story that will make you laugh and cry, and one you will not want to forget. Continue reading
Jack Reacher-Teenager’s Movie Review
Five random people going about their day, five random people shot and killed. Hours after the shooting, police identify and arrest Army Sniper James Barr. Continue reading
Guilt Trip-Teenager’s Movie Review
The hotels have a free continental breakfast, the book on CD is Middlesex, and the road trip destination is to see a long lost love. Andy (Seth Rogen) is an inventor and traveling salesman who invites his mother, Joyce (Barbara Streisand), to travel cross-country as he tries to sell his new household cleaning product. Joyce ( a single mom, whose husband passed away) is thrilled to have quality time with her son, though unaware of his plan to reunite her with a former love. Guilt Trip is a wonderful comedy about a mother/son relationship, and their unique adventures as they travel across the country.
Rating: 3 out of 5
Release Date: April 30, 2013
MPAA Rating: PG13
Best Age Group: 18+
Sexual Content: Moderate
Violent Content: Mild
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild
Will Kids Like It? No
Talking Points:
This is an adorable, feel good movie. I loved the relationship between Andy (Seth Rogan) and his mother (Streisand). Though they had some trying times on their trip, they ultimately were looking out for each others well-being.
I loved this movie, though I feel that the subject matter will not appeal to kids. The humor and idea of an adult son and his mother traveling together will not interest most kids.
Sexual Content: Moderate
- There are a lot sexual references and conversations.
- Joyce embarrassed her son when discussing his sexual relationships.
- When the two get caught in a snowstorm, they park in front of a strip club. We see strippers pole dancing in the background.
- When driving, they listen to the book Middlesex, we hear the narrator describe some inappropriate scenes in the book.
Violent Content: Mild
- A man in a bar punches Andy, he gets a big bruise on his face.
Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
- The f-word is said once. “Sh–,” “a–,” and “d–n,” are said several times each.
Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild
- We see characters drinking in a bar.
- Joyce is shown drinking martini’s while drunk.
Will Kids Like It? No
- Though appropriate for pre-teens and teens, I feel the subject matter will not appeal to kids.
Overall this is a a fun entertaining film. As I previously mentioned, the movie may not interest kids, however it’s a great date night movie for parents!
Lincoln – Teen Moview Review
Sixteenth president of the United States from 1861 to 1865, leader of the Union during the Civil War, dedicated husband/father, and a wonderful man referred to as “honest Abe.” Lincoln chronicles President Abraham Lincoln’s final months in office. We see his fierce determination to end the civil war and abolish slavery. We see his personnel struggles and the difficulties he had to face while pursuing his heartfelt goals as president. Lincoln is a dramatic war film, one that mature teenagers and adults will enjoy.
Identity Thief
Rating: 2 out of 5 buckets
Release Date: February 8, 2013
MPAA Rating: R
Best Age Group: 17+
Sexual Content: Moderate
Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
Drugs and Alcohol Content: Excessive
Will Kids Like It? Yes
Teenager’s Movie Reviews!
The real Sandy Patterson (Jason Batman) is a happily married businessman, father of two daughter’s, and lives in Denver. The other Sandy Patterson, also known as Diana (Melissa McCarthy), is a single woman who likes to party, and lives in Florida; however this Sandy Patterson is a fraud. She has a credit card maker and manages to tap into strangers’ accounts and spend all their money. That’s what she did to the innocent, hard working man in Denver. So the adventure begins when the real Sandy Patterson travels to Florida to track down the thief that stole his identity. Identity Thief is an R rated comedy, raunchy in parts, with a kind-hearted message.
Talking Points:
Typically, in an R rated comedy there’s not much substance. However in this film there are some redeeming qualities and an emphasis on the importance of love and family. The real Sandy Patterson is a great guy. He’s a loving husband and father, and always wants to do the right thing. When we first meet the other Sandy Patterson (aka Diana), she is rude, obnoxious and a thief. {Spoiler Alert} However, as the movie concludes we learn why she became a thief and what she had been missing her whole life…a family!
I thought this film was appropriately rated. Though it is an R rated film, which means that kids under 17 must be accompanied by an adult, I wanted to review it because I know many teens want to see it. With Eric Stonestreet (Cameron from Modern Family), in the film and Melissa McCarthy (from Gilmore Girls and Bridesmaids), it has a familiar cast and an entertaining plot. However, parents need to be aware of one crude and raunchy scene (see below), harsh language and excessive alcohol content.
Sexual Content: Moderate
- The thief Sandy Patterson (aka Diana), meets a guy in a bar named Big Chuck (Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family). This is a crude and raunchy scene. She tells Big Chuck that Sandy likes to watch her with other men. The couple proceeds to do some dirty dancing in a bar, then we see them in a hotel room engaging in sexual activity. We only see their heads and feet; but it’s implied they’re having sex by their facial expressions and loud noises.
- We see Diana taking a bubble bath; she masturbates in the tub and makes sexual noises.
- Diana tricks a police officer by telling him she has a pain in her upper thigh, he massages her butt and other body parts.
- There are also a lot of sexual references and dialogue throughout the film.
Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
- There are a lot of car chases and accidents. In one scene Diana’s face is bloodied from a car accident.
- Sandy is bitten by a snake; Diana tires to beat the snake off with a flaming stick.
- There are several humorous fights and wrestling matches.
- A bounty hunter is shot in the neck, leaving blood all over his car window.
Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
- The f-word is said about 40 times, we also hear “sh–,” “b–ch,” “h–,” “p–,” and “d–n” throughout the film.
Drugs and Alcohol Content: Excessive
- We see Diana, in several scenes, drinking tequila shots and guzzling liquor straight from the bottle.
- Diana says, “driving drunk is okay, but driving sleepy is dangerous.” Not a good thing for teens to hear!!
- Sandy takes his wife’s sedatives with him on the trip. Diana discovers the pills and puts some in Big Chucks drink.
Will Kids Like It? Yes
As I previously mentioned this is an R rated movie, and compared to some other R movies such as, “The Hangover,” and “Bridesmaids,” this film, though crude and raunchy in parts, is more appropriate. Depending on the teenager, I would say that Identity Thief is appropriate for mature teenagers.