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    Movie Reviews


    Drama movie reviews

    Max-Kids’ Movie Review

    “A dog is man’s best friend;” is a very familiar adage. Max is a very loyal dog that helped the US Marines in Afghanistan. His master and best friend, Kyle, died during the war, so Max returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his Kyle’s family. Though the dog suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he immediately develops a special bond with Justin; Kyle’s younger brother. Now Justin and Max become the best of friends, and this war-time hero dog not only gives Justin several kisses a day, he even helps him solve some local crimes.  Max is an action-packed movie; one for the whole family.








    maxRating: 4 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date:
    October 27, 2015
    MPAA Rating:
    Best Age Group:
    Sexual Content:
    Violent/Disturbing Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drug and Alcohol Content:
    Will Kids Like It?


    Talking Points:

    • The message of doing the right thing is woven throughout the film, and will spark some good parent/child conversations. Justin’s dad says a hero is someone who always tells the truth.
    • The film is a little corny in parts. It seemed like an ABC family movie on TV. Having said that kids will like the characters and the action in the film.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • A couple briefly kiss.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate

    • Kyle is shown dead after an explosion while fighting in Afghanistan.
    • We see a truck full of weapons veer off the road and burst into flames.
    • The bad guys chase Max, Justin, and his friends. They shoot at the boys and Max several times.
    • Justin’s dad is held captive at gunpoint. He punches the villain and slam’s the man’s arm in a truck door.
    • Max jumps on a man who attacks Justin, and then Max and the man fall off a bridge.
    • Max and two vicious dogs roll around and get into some brutal fights.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • We hear “d–ned.

    Drug and Alcohol Content:

    • We see character’s drinking beer.

    Will Kids Like It? Yes

    • I interviewed a 13 year-old boy and 15 year-old girl who both loved the movie. They thought it was very exciting; while sitting at the edge of their seats.

    Overall Max is an action packed adventurous film. Depending on the child, I recommend this for kids ages 8 and up.









    Spy-Teen Movie Review

    Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) spent her entire adult life working as a CIA analyst. She sits at her desk with her hidden earpiece and high-tech equipment while assisting a handsome CIA agent, Bradley Fine (Jude Law). It’s Susan’s job to keep Bradley safe and help him avoid dangerous situations. However, things dramatically change when Bradley is assassinated by Rayna Boyanov (Rose Byrne), a Bulgarian arms dealer.  Now it’s Susan’s chance to go on an undercover assignment and help capture the evil, though beautiful, assassin.







    SpyRating: 2 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: September 29, 2015
    MPAA Rating: R
    Best Age Group: 17+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Teens Like It? Yes




    Talking Points:

    • Spy is an exciting and action packed movie. There is an all-star cast with a suspenseful storyline. Having said that this is a typical Melissa McCarthy movie (slightly milder); excessive profane language with raunchy humor.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • We see pictures of a penis.
    • Two men are shown in the street engaging in oral sex.
    • A guy grabs woman’s breasts and butt.
    • There are several inappropriate comments regarding sexual positions, porn and male/female body parts.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • There are several violent fights throughout the film. We see character’s stabbed by a knife, hit by heavy pots and pans, choked, and shot to death.
    • Characters are shown fighting while traveling in a private plane. They are thrown all around the plane during the turbulent flight.
    • A bomb explodes.
    • Someone puts poison in a woman’s drink.

    Crude or Profane Language: Excessive

    • The f-word is said numerous times throughout the film. We also hear “sh-t,” “a–,” “d–n,” ,”h–.”  Crude words pertaining to sexual body parts are said as well.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see characters drinking wine and champagne at social gatherings.

    Will Teens Like It? Yes

    • It’s an action packed film with a comedic element to it. I interviewed four teenage girls who are fans of Melissa McCarthy; beginning with her days of playing Sookie St. James from the TV seriers Gilmore Girls. They thought the movie was funny and very entertaining.



    San Andreas-Kids’ Movie Review

    Ray’s (Dwayne Johnson) world is falling apart…emotionally and literally. Though he has a wonderful career as a search and rescue pilot he is a very sad and lonely man. One of Ray’s daughters passes away from a tragic accident. His wife, Emma (Carla Gugino), divorces him and moves in with her new boyfriend; who happens to be an extremely wealthy man. However there is one bright spot in Ray’s life; his beautiful college-age daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario). Ray loves his daughter more than anything and tries to be the best father he can be. When another tragic event occurs Ray is determined to save his only child. The San Andreas fault triggers major earthquake and Blake is trapped in San Francisco. Ray travels on his helicopter from Los Angeles to San Francisco and endures the extreme weather conditions with hopes to  rescue Blake, and the other civilians who are caught in this horrific tragedy.








    San AndreasRating: 3 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: October 13, 2015
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids Like It? Yes




    Talking Points:

    • The film is filled with disturbing violence, however there is a powerful message about the importance of family.
    • During the catastrophe we see civilians helping one another and working together to save lives.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Two character’s are shown kissing.
    • There’s mention of getting to “second base.”

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    •  Thousands (if not more) characters die. Buildings collapse, bridges crumble, boats capsize (followed by a tsunami) and character’s drown.
    • We see a character trapped in her car while in a remote parking garage.
    • There are graphic and close up scenes of people suffering. We see a guy’s foot skewered by a metal pole. A chunk of glass is stuck in a man’s thigh; which we see taken out. Character’s are thrown to the ground, shown falling off cliffs, trapped under falling buildings etc . . .
    • A character is punched and knocked to the ground.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • We hear the f-word once. Also “sh-t,” “h—,” “a–, and “d–n.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    Overall this is an action packed suspenseful drama. Parents need to be aware of the intense violence throughout the film.

    Avengers: Age of Ultron-Teen Movie Review

    “Peace in our time, imagine that.” That’s what Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) says while wondering what it would be like to live in a peaceful world. Tony decides to boost the dormant Ultron project, a peacekeeping program that could fulfill his dream of a safe world. However things don’t go as planned, Ultron (James Spader) believes the only way to peace is human extinction. Now Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and the rest of the Avengers gather together to save the world from Ultron!!







    Avengers- Age of UltronRating: 3 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: October 3, 2015
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Most Pre-teens and Teens Like It?




    Talking Points:

    The Avengers are great characters. They believe in working as a team. They trust one another to save the human race.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • We see couples kiss.
    • Stark makes a few sexual jokes, saying “You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini.”
    • Referring to Thor’s hammer Stark says…”We won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up.”

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • There are several brutal battles involving lasers, hammers, bullets and other violent weapons.
    • Buildings and vehicles are destroyed as innocent victims suffer and some even die.
    • We see horrific visions of the Avengers fears which are filled with torture and death.
    • While Hulk and Iron Man duke it out, they destroy an entire city.
    • We see robots decapitated and blown up.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • We hear “sh-t,” “d–n,” “a–,” “b–tard,” “b–ch,” and “h—.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see Avengers drinking alcohol at a party.

    Overall this is a fun and entertaining film. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence throughout the movie.




    The Age of Adaline-Teen Movie Review

    A life with no grey hairs, no wrinkles on your face and remaining 29 years of age for decades sounds wonderful, however it wasn’t for Adeline Bowman (Blake Lively). In 1935 Adaline was in a car crash and ended up immersed in a freezing river and her heart stopped. However, shortly after the accident she was struck by a bolt of lightning and miraculously became, “immune to the ravages of time.” Moving every decade and changing her identity lead to a sad and lonely life, however things dramatically changed the day she met Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman). A handsome philanthropist and a man who changed Adaline’s life forever.

    Age of AdalineRating: 4 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: September 8, 2015
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language:  Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content:
    Will Most Pre-teens and Teens Like It?




    Talking Points:

    • The film highlights the fact that not growing old with your loved ones would be a very lonely life. As one character says, “For all those years you’ve lived, you’ve never had a life.”
    • The movie is very predicable and somewhat slow in parts.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Adaline and Ellis passionately kiss several times throughout the film.
    • We see Adaline and Ellis in bed together (covered by a sheet).
    • When Ellis steps out the shower we see him wrapped in a towel.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Mild

    • We see two car crashes. In the first one (described in the synopsis) Adaline drowns in a freezing lake before she’s shocked by a bolt of lightning. In the second accident a character is shown bleeding by the side of the road, though shocked back to life.
    • Adaline cut her hand, we see the bleeding wound getting stitched up.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • We hear “sh-t,” “h—,” and “d–n.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see character’s drinking hard liquor at parties.
    • In a flashback scene, character’s are shown smoking.

    Will Most Teens Like It? No

    • As I previously mentioned the film is slow in parts. I interviewed some pre-teen girls after the movie who said liked the main characters, though they thought the film was slow and boring.

    Overall this is an appropriate romantic love story. However with the mature subject matter kids and teens may not enjoy the film.


    Age of Adaline-Teen Movie Review