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    Movie Reviews


    Drama movie reviews

    Non-Stop: Teen Movie Review

    Non-Stop has non-stop action, non-stop suspense and it’s a non-stop adventure for all. During a flight from New York City to London, U.S. Air Marshal Bill Marks (Liam Neeson) receives a series of text messages from a fellow passenger. These messages instruct him to transfer $150 million into a special account. If he does not fulfill the request, a passenger on the flight will be killed every twenty minutes. Now Bill has to find the culprit in order to save everyone on this horrific long flight to London. Non-Stop is an action packed film, one where you’ll be at the edge of your seat!

    Non-StopRating: 3  out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: June 10, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 11+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol: Moderate
    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes


    Talking Points:

    Kids that see this film will hopefully enjoy the action and suspense, knowing full well this is a fictional story, and not be fearful of flying.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • A couple is shown kissing and hugging at the airport; later we see them on the airplane, kissing and laughing under a blanket.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • Characters are shot and killed, poisoned and beaten. We see a character’s hand is slashed with a knife.
    • There is viscous fight in the plane’s bathroom, a man’s neck is snapped.
    • As the plane rapidly descends, passengers and crew are violently thrown around; later we see them bloodied and bruised.
    • During the crash landing  a young girl (around 9 years old) is shown dangling from an open hole in the plane, holding onto a fellow passenger’s hand for dear life. This may scare young viewers.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • The f-word is used once. We also hear “h–l,” ‘d–n,” “a–hole,” and “d–k.”

    Drugs and Alcohol: Moderate

    • Bill, who has a drinking problem, is shown drinking and smoking throughout the film. He even tampers with smoke alarm by taping the sensor.
    • Passengers are also shown drinking hard liquor.
    • We see a passenger’s briefcase filled with cocaine.

    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes

    Overall, parents need to be aware of the excessive violence and some disturbing scenes on the flight. Depending on the child, this is appropriate for kids ages 11 and up.

    Endless Love-Teen Movie Review

    Aah…one’s first love is always memorable, especially for high school graduates Jade Butterfield (Gabriella Wilde) and David Elliot (Alex Pettyfer). Jade is a very privileged and beautiful seventeen year old girl heading for Brown University in the fall. David(Alex Pettyfer) is a part-time valet hoping to take over his father’s auto shop, with no plans to attend college. Even though the two teens went to high school together, David never had the courage to talk to Jade. So when he asks her to go on a joyride in a Maserati (a car he was supposed to park, not drive around) things change forever and the young couple fall madly love. However it’s not all bliss for the teens as Jade’s father will do whatever it takes to keep them apart. After all… no one is good enough for his little girl. Endless Love is a remake of the 1981 Brooke Shield’s movie about the joys and hardships of a teenage romance.

    Endless loveRating: 3 and 1/2 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: March 27, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Excessive
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes


    Talking Points:

    Even though Jade’s father thinks he’s that David isn’t good enough for his daughter, David truly respects her, loves her and ultimately wants  her to be happy.

    Parents need to be aware of the sexual content. The young lovers are madly in love and have many sexual encounters without much thought or consideration of the consequences. Great parent/child conversation.

    The film is very predicable and a little corny.

    Sexual Content: Excessive

    • The young lovers have their first sexual encounter in the Butterfield house. David sneaks into their home late at night, we see sexual movements as the couple lie under the covers near a glowing fireplace.
    • Throughout the film Jade and David kiss, cuddle, make out and even bath together.
    • There’s a brief scene showing an extramarital affair.

    Violent Content: Mild

    • A character punches another character.
    • There is a car crash scene, we see the injured character in the hospital with several cuts and a broken wrist.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • The f-word is said once. We also hear, “d–n,” “a–,” “h—,” and “p—.”

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • We see teenagers drinking out of red  cups…assuming it’s alcohol.
    • Adults are shown drinking alcohol at a party.
    • There’s talk of teenagers getting high.

    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes

    • The theater was filled with teenage girls. I interviewed two seventeen year-olds. They loved the movie and said, “It has the perfect amount of fluff, just what teenage girls want on Valentine’s Day.”

    Overall Endless Love is a romantic drama, one that teenage girls will enjoy. Parents need to be aware of the sexual content throughout the film.


    Vampire Academy-Kids Movie Review

    At St. Vladimir’s Academy you won’t find the beloved Twilight vampires, Edward Cullen or Bella Swan, however you will find Rose Hathaway (Zoey Deutch) and her best friend Princess Lissa Dragomir. Rose is a dhampir, the half human, half vampire clan who protect the good vampires from the bad vampires. Lissa is a Moroi, the good vampires that can peacefully co-exist amongst humans. Then there are the Strigois, the evil vampires who drink to kill. Though you won’t find the Twilight vampires in this series, you will still find drama, romance and conflict between the good vampires vs. evil vampires. Vampire Academy, based on the young adult novel, “Vampire Academy,” is an action packed teenage drama.

    Vampire AcademyRating: 3 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: May 20, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol: None
    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes


    Talking Points:

    There are some “mean girl” teenage issues in the film, however at the end of the movie a teenage girl delivers a speech to her classmates. She states the importance of  being kind to one another and to let go of the petty behavior that was portrayed throughout the film.

    Kids that have read the book will most likely enjoy the film…adults may want to catch another movie.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • Teen couples are shown kissing  and making out.
    • There are sexual references and discussions regarding losing ones virginity, wet dreams, a threesome and herpes.
    • We see Rose, wearing only a bra and underwear,  in bed making out with a guy she has a crush on. He’s seen only wearing boxers.
    • Rose is labeled as a “blood whore.”

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There are numerous battles with gun shots, stabbings, punches, kicks and body slams.
    • We see the good vampires feed on humans. This is a little disturbing because the humans thought they were going to  a blood drive. The vampires bite the humans’ wrists, sometimes leaving a little blood on their face.
    • We see vampire attacks, resulting in multiple casualties.
    • We hear someone’s leg breaking and another character’s neck being broken.
    • A mangled dead fox is shown hanging outside someones door.
    • A girl’s cat is killed, then put in her backpack.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • “B–ch,” “a–,” “d–n,” and “h–,’ are each said numerous times.

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Vampires are shown drinking blood from wine glasses.

    Will it Appeal to Kids? Yes

    • I interviewed four teenagers that had read the book. They all loved the movie and said it was similar to the book, though a little corny.

    Overall this is an action packed film with romance and comedy permeated throughout the film. Depending on the child, this film is appropriate for kids ages 13 and up.


    I, Frankenstein-Kids Movie Review

    Science experiments can be very interesting, especially for scientist Victor Frankenstein; he created Adam (Aaron Eckhart).  Since Adam is immortal, he survives many horrific situations and gets caught in the middle of a centuries old battle between the gargoyles and demons. Both clans desperately want to discover the secret of Adam’s  immortality.  I, Frankenstein is an action packed, violent, sci/fi movie based on a graphic novel, “I, Frankenstein.”

    I, FrankensteinRating: 2 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: May 13, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 14+
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: None
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will it Appeal to Kids?  No



    Talking Points:

    Initially Adam reacts violently when meeting people. However when he’s introduced to Terra ( Yvonne Strahovski), we see another side to Adam.  She tells him, “You’re only a monster if you behave like one.” He gradually learns to protect and care for others.

    The film is very violent and dark. Though there is a lot of action, I don’t think the storyline will appeal to most kids.

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There are  violent and graphic battles between demons and gargoyles throughout the film.
    • Adam gets into several brutal situations. He falls from high places crashing to the ground,  he even goes through the ground,  landing on a subway car.
    • Adam gets into numerous fights; slicing people with blades,  punching and hitting characters with clubs.
    • A man is strangled to death.
    • We see thousands of  corpses.
    • We see injured characters with bloody open wounds.
    • The demons and gargoyles are scary looking creatures, they will most likely scare young kids.

    Crude or Profane Language: None

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Characters are shown drinking at a nightclub.

    Will it Appeal to Kids? No

    As I previously mentioned, I, Frankenstein is a violent and creepy film, one that will not interest kids or teens.  Though the language, alcohol and sexual contents are mild, parents need to be aware of the excessive violent content woven throughout the film.




    Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit-Kids Movie Review

    He’s handsome, he’s intelligent…he’s the young Jack Ryan (Chris Pine). Jack Ryan is an economic student studying in London to get his PhD. However his life dramatically changes one day as he’s watching the events from 9/11 on TV. He alters his course of action from studying economics to joining the marines. The film follows Jack’s life from his time in Afghanistan, where he suffered a terrible injury, to his days as an analyst in the Financial Intelligence Unit of the CIA. Continue reading