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    Movie Reviews by Genre

    Hannah Montana: The Movie Review

    As most kids know from watching the TV show “Hannah Montana,” Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) leads a double life as an average teenager, and as the famous pop singer, Hannah Montana.

    In the movie, Miley Stewart is becoming too attached to her pop star alter ego, and is letting her popularity of Hannah Montana take over her life. As Miley’s father, (Billy Ray Cyrus) is noticing her arrogant attitude, (and is not happy with it), he steps in to take her back home to Tennessee, and bring her back to reality. Despite her initial protest, she gradually finds fun and adventure in the small town, and realizes the importance of family and friends.

    Rating: Four out of five buckets
    Release Date: August 18, 2009
    MPAA Rating: G
    Best Age Group: 4+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: None

    See the trailer here!

    Talking Points:

    The movie stresses strong family values. Though Miley’s upset with her dad when he wants her to take a break from her career, she ultimately respects her father’s decision, and apologizes.

    There is a huge enthusiastic fan base for the TV show- this group will love the movie.
    Two girls behind me ( ages 9 and 11) were thrilled with the movie. They were singing and giggly throughout the movie. When I interviewed them after the movie they were ecstatic, they said they were going to see the movie again.

    The premise of the movie is similar to “Sweet Home Alabama”: where a big city girl goes back to her home town, and realizes how pleasant and comforting it really is.

    Taylor Swift and Rascal Flats sing in the movie, which kids will enjoy.

    Older girls and most boys may find it a little corny.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Hannah has a cute relationship with Travis ( a cowboy). He is drawn to Miley, not Hannah’s popularity. They flirt, kiss a little, but nothing inappropriate.

    Violent Content: Mild

    • Miley trips over fences, falls off chicken coops, and gets hit on the head several times, while trying to escape a nosy reporter. Not too violent, more silly.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Characters say words such as; “geez,” “heck” and “dang.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    Overall it’s a fun, entertaining movie, which emphasis the importance of good down to earth values.

    Great movie for girls ages 4 and above- I give it 4 buckets.

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    Hanna Review

    This is a story centered around a teenage girl named Hanna. Hanna is not your average teenage girl, though she looks like it. Her father, an ex-CIA agent, trained her to be a killer. She prepared her whole life for one mission, and when the time finally came to fulfill her goal, she had to travel across Europe where she learned many interesting things about her existence, and had many questions about who she really is. This is an action, thriller that had a lot of violence, with a disturbing subject matter that would not appeal to kids.

    Rating: One out of five buckets.
    Release Date: September 6, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 18+
    Sexual Content
    Violent Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    Talking Points:

    When Hanna traveled across country with a British family, the mother of the family, tells her that trips to the countryside, “bring us closer to God.” This was a peaceful and calm scene.

    There was a special bond between Hanna and her father, he taught her everything he could before she was on her own! Father’s will like that part.

    I did not like this film at all, with all the violence and dark scenes, it was depressing!

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Two teenagers kiss.
    • It’s implied that one girl is a lesbian.
    • There’s discussion about the female sexual anatomy.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • Many of characters are killers, characters use knives, guns and other weapons to kill people.
    • She has many fistfights, we see blood all over Hanna’s face.
    • Hanna and her father also have some brutal confrontations, which I didn’t like at all.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • One f-word is used, and the s-word is used several times.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Characters drink wine.

    Overall I would not recommend this film for kids or adults. I interviewed some adults after the film, all of whom thought is was boring and disturbing; not worth seeing at all.

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    The Hangover Part 2 Review

    Yuck, and not that funny. In this sequel to The Hangover, we see the same group of guys; Phil, Stu, Doug and Alan, however this time Stu, the straight-laced dentist, is getting married, and all the wedding festivities are in Thailand. The gang’s last wedding events were all too fresh in Stu’s mind, so he refused a bachelor party. However, after being humiliated by his father-in-law to-be at the rehearsal dinner, Stu and the guys, along with Stu’s 16 year old soon-to-be brother-in-law, Teddy, head to the beach for a bonfire, and ONE cold beer. About twelve hours later, we see Stu, Phil and Alan waking up in a disgusting hotel in Bangkok, completely disoriented. They’re shocked when they see Stu, with a tattoo on his face, Alan’s shaved head, and a monkey in the bathroom. Moments later they realize one very important thing….Teddy, (Stu’s soon-to-be brother-in-law), is nowhere to be found. Sound familiar? This sequel to The Hangover may have a different bride and groom, and a different location, however the storyline is the same, though not as humorous, and believe it or not, even more disgusting.

    Rating: One out of five buckets
    Release Date: December 6, 2011
    MPAA Rating: R
    Best Age Group: Adults
    Sexual Content
    Violent Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Excessive

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points
    I’m not a prude. I liked The Wedding Crashers, Bridesmaids, and even first Hangover movie, but I did not like this movie at all. It was one disaster after another, with crass, gross humor.

    This movie is so inappropriate and disgusting for not only teenagers, but adults as well. I read in a review that Zach Galifianakis, the actor who plays Alan, told, “It is so bad in parts that I told my mom she is not allowed to see it. I forbid, forbade, forbid her from coming.” That says it all if the main actor won’t even let his mom see the movie.

    Sexual Content: Excessive
    • While retracing their steps from the previous night, hoping to find Teddy, it’s revealed, and later shown, that Stu had sex with a hermaphrodite prostitute.
    • Between the various flashbacks shown throughout the movie, and the photos in the closing credits, we see the guys taking drugs, we see various sexual encounters with naked men and women, and we see Stu having sex with his hermaphrodite prostitute.
    • There are also many crude sexual comments and crass references throughout the movie.

    Violent Content: Mild
    • A photo of Teddy cutting off his finger while drunk.
    • During a car chase, the guys hit a hanging pig that bursts open, we see blood all over Stu.

    Crude and Profane Language: Excessive
    • The f-word and every other word is used throughout the whole movie.

    I reviewed this movie for teens that want to see these popular R rated movies. They may not see it with their parents at the theater, but they just might want to see it when it comes out on video. I don’t recommend The Hangover Part II for teens or adults. It’s so disgusting I wanted to take a shower after the movie.

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    Gnomeo and Juliet Review

    This is the story about two feuding families, the Montagues (the blue family), and their next door neighbors, the Capulets (the red family). This story is based on Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy, but in this movie the characters are garden gnomes. The two families bicker and battle throughout the whole movie, while Gnomeo, (member of the blue family), and Juliet, (member of the red family), secretly fall in love.

    Rating: Three out of five buckets
    Release Date:
    May 24, 2011
    MPAA Rating:
    Best Age Group:
    Any age
    Sexual Content:
    Violent Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content:

    See a clip of my review, plus the review of Just Go With It!

    Talking Points
    This is a cute, entertaining movie, with some nice messages. The two families are seeking revenge against each other throughout the movie, however, the film stresses how miserable they are in trying to seek revenge. It takes Gnomeo and Juliet’s love affair to help the families forgive and forget.

    Adults will love the music; classics from Elton John, who is the executive producer of the film.

    The movie is similar to Toy Story in that the gnomes only come to life when people aren’t watching them.

    The movie is a nice way to introduce youngsters to Shakespeare. My son and I talked about the story of Romeo and Juliet on our way home from the movie.

    Violent Content: Mild

    • The gnomes battle and fight continuously. One gnome seeks revenge by getting a powerful lawn tractor that rips down their fence, and destroys the families lawn and gardens. However, it’s not too scary for little kids.

    Profane/Crude Language: Mild

    • Slight potty humor. One gnome says, “Let’s go kick some grass!”

    I interviewed kids ages 4 to 12 after the movie; they all loved it, and thought it was funny. Parents loved the innocence about the film. However, my eleven year-old son thought it was stupid and predicable.

    This G-rated movie is targeted for young kids, and they do a good job of keeping it sweet and innocent. Adults may get a little bored, but with Elton John’s music playing parents will be thoroughly entertained.

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    Glee: The 3D Concert Experience Review

    “Gleeks,” if you missed the Glee concert, don’t worry, you have two weeks to catch it in the theater. Glee 3D Concert Movie is a documentary which is revolved around the 14 members of the television show’s cast, and their 2011 summer concert. We see behind the scenes interviews and special moments with the cast, and some interviews with their enthused fans! So if you missed the concert, or you want to see it again, this is your chance!

    Rating: Two out of five buckets
    Release Date:
    December 20, 2011
    MPAA Rating:
    Best Age Group:
    Sexual Content
    Violent Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content:

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points:

    I read that the cast of “Glee” are among the most hardworking actors in the business right now. They worked almost year-round filming and promoting the TV show, and then had a three month concert tour, on which the movie is based. Now the cast heads back to film the third season of their popular TV show, Glee!

    Even though the movie is called Glee 3D Concert Movie, I thought it would be a story focused on their lives, rather than a concert with interviews. I respect and admire the groups talent of singing and dancing, however, I’m not a huge fan of the show.

    The 3D effects were great, the movie had a concert feel to it.

    The message of the movie is to embrace everyone – no matter how tall, short, fat, skinny, or your sexual preference; it doesn’t matter, just be yourself! This could spark a parent/child conversation.

    The fans interviewed idolized the characters; in my opinion a little too much. One girl said the show changed her life. A boy explained that he felt comfortable “coming out of the closet,” because of some characters on Glee.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • There are some suggestive dances and lyrics that parents need to know about.
    • References of sexual preferences.

    Violent Content: None

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • One character talked about her “boobs.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    The “Gleeks” of the world will be entertained by the music and dancing, however if your kids are not a fan of the show, or if you don’t want your kids watching a concert, with some sexual lyrics and dances, I don’t recommend this film. As my eleven year old son said, (I dragged him to the show), “You could watch most of the concert on youtube.” Something to ponder!

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