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    Movie Reviews

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    Movie Reviews by Genre

    Ice Age: Collision Course-Kids’ Movie Review

    Love is in the air as Manny the mammoth prepares for his daughter’s wedding while Sid the sloth is desperately trying to find true love. However, things get complicated when the acorn obsessed rodent, Scrat, ends up in a UFO and creates a series of cosmic events that threatens the Ice Age World. Now the beloved mammals; Sid, Manny, Diego and friends must leave their home and encounter a whole new adventure. Ice Age: Collision Course is the fifth movie in the Ice Age series.







    Ice Age Collision CourseRating: 5  out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: October 11, 2016
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 5+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids Like It? Yes



    Talking Points:

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Sid the sloth and Brooke have a romantic relationship.
    • A character mentions, “naked bingo.”

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Mild

    • There is some slapstick violence. Space rocks create explosions and fire.
    • Characters get shocked and electrocuted.
    • Scrat gets hit, bonked and smashed throughout the film.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Name calling, a character says, “stupid.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    Will Kids Like It? Yes

    Overall this is a fun, entertaining animated film for the whole family.

    Star Trek Beyond-Teen Movie Review

    It’s their nine hundred and sixty sixth day in space during the five year mission.  Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), Commander Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the rest of the Starship Enterprise crew are on a mission; “To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.” However, this time there are some surprises for the beloved crew. The Enterprise is forced to crash-land on a mysterious and hostile planet led by the evil dictator Krall (Idris Elba). Krall needs an ancient and valuable artifact that happens to be on the Enterprise, and he will do whatever it takes to get it. Now the Starship crew must battle the alien race and find their way off of the planet.







    Star Trek BeyondRating: 3 and 1/2  out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: November 1, 2016
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes




    Talking Points:

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • We see two crew members kiss.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • There are intense battles throughout the film.
    • Characters are beaten; there are brutal fist fights leaving characters injured and bloody.
    • Spock has an injury when a huge piece of metal punctures his side. He’s very vocal with his pain when he tries to move.
    • The villain, Krall, tortures characters with his deadly weapon and brutal force.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • We hear  “sh-t,” “h–,” “b–tard,” “a–,” and “d–n.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Characters are shown drinking.

    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes

    Overall Star Trek fans will enjoy the intense action packed film. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence throughout the film.


    Ghostbusters-Kids’ Movie Review

    It’s 2016 and we can still call the Ghostbusters!! However, this time they’re a group of females. Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), a paranormal researcher;  Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), a physicist;  Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon ), an engineer; and Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones), a lifelong New Yorker, all team up when strange apparitions suddenly appear in Manhattan. The four women get to work in the big city where they hire a handsome yet ditsy assistant Kevin (Chris Hemsworth). Together they create powerful weapons with hopes to destroy the ghosts and save Times Square! Based on the 1984 original film, Ghostbusters.






    GhostbustersRating: 3 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: October 11, 2016
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes




    Talking Points:

    • The film has an all-star, hilarious cast with comedians Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. There are also a few cameos with actors from the original cast
    • Parents need to be aware of the potty humor woven throughout the film. This includes jokes about gas and other bodily functions.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • The Ghostbusters hire a very attractive male assistant. One of the female Ghostbusters has a big crush on him.
    • Their assistant designs a logo for the female Ghostbusters and it highlights the ghosts breasts.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • The glowing ghosts swoosh around New York City, destroy things and terrorize people.
    • Characters are thrown around. One victim is tossed out a window.
    • The Ghostbusters create powerful weapons to trap the ghosts. However, the devices are dangerous – they blow up vehicles and buildings.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • “Sh-t,” “b–ches” “d–n, “h—,” and “a–” are said throughout the film.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see the Ghostbusters drinking beer at a bar.

    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes

    • I interviewed a 10 year-old boy and his thirteen year-old sister. They thought the film was funny and very entertaining.

    Overall this is a fun entertaining film. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence and moderate profane language throughout the film.



    The Secret Life of Pets-Kids’ Movie Review

    Max’s favorite part of the day is when his owner Katie comes home at night. Max is an adorable Terrier who loves nothing more than hanging out with his master. He has a great life  in their high rise apartment, sometimes he even has the other apartment dwelling animals over. There’s Chloe, his feline friend who will eat anything out of the fridge, and the bulldog Mel who barks at the squirrels all day. Unfortunately, Max’s comfortable life changes the day Katie brings home a large rescue dog named Duke. Max no longer has the place to himself and needs to show Duke who’s the alpha male. The adventure begins as the two dogs end up in the streets of New York, desperately wanting to return to their beloved owner Katie. The Secret Life of Pets is a wonderful film for the whole family.





    The Secret Life of PetsRating: 4 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: December 6, 2016
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 5+
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content: None
    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes




    Talking Points:

    • Initially Max is very jealous of Duke and wants him out of their apartment. The dogs eventually learn to work things out and they develop a wonderful friendship.
    • There is some potty humor throughout the film. For example… dogs sniff each others backsides while greeting one another, when the dogs sniff the sewer one of them says it smells like “poo poo with a dash of caca.”

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate

    • There are some rough and tumble moments among the animals. Duke, the big rescue dog, initially pushes and bullies Max.
    • There are several chase scenes, the animals even hijack an Animal Control van and a bus, they drive around very recklessly as mayhem ensues.
    • Gidget, a Pomeranian dog who has a crush on Max, beats up several animals as she tries to protect Max.
    • A viper is crushed and dies from a large brick.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Name calling such as “dummy.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes

    • I interviewed a 6 year-old girl and her 4 year old brother. They loved the film and did not think it was scary. Her favorite character is Gidget and his is Max.

    Overall this is a fun entertaining film for the whole family. Parents need to be aware of the rough and tumble fight scenes and mild potty humor throughout the film.

    The BFG-Kids’ Movie Review

    Sophie is a ten-year-old girl living in an orphanage in London. Her life dramatically changes the night she’s kidnapped by Big Friendly Giant (Mark Rylance). Initially she’s terrified of the scary beast and is determined to escape, however as time goes on their friendship grows. The odd couple develops a bond as the giant shows Sophie a magical pond where he catches dreams and then releases them into the minds of the sleeping London residents. Meanwhile, the bad, cannibalistic giants snatch and eat the children of London, and when they smell Sophie’s presence in Giant’s Country, they want to eat her too. Now Sophie is on a mission to get rid of the bad giants forever! The BFG is based on Roald Dahl’s children’s classic novel…The BFG.








    The BFGRating: 4 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: November 29, 2016
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group:
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes



    Talking Points:

    • The film starts out with a parent’s worst nightmare…a child getting kidnapped. However, as the movie progresses, we see that the giant is a warmhearted man who simply wants to protect and care for the young girl. Being said, kids that scare easily may be frightened by the bad giants as they kidnap and eat children.
    • The movie is long, and it is also slow in parts.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • The audience sees “Liz naked at my wedding,” written on a label of one of BFG’s dream jars.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • A giant kidnapping a little girl definitely has the tone of a scary movie. When BFG initially kidnaps Sophie, he reaches through a window and grabs her. Eventually they have a wonderful relationship and become the best of friends.
    • BFG gives Sophie a nightmare which involves a bad giant catching her and attempting to eat her.
    • The mean giants go through BFG’s home looking to eat Sophie.
    • BFG gets bullied by the big, mean giants.

    Crude or Profane Language: None

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see a group of drunk men stumbling home from the pub.
    • BFG loves a green champagne-like drink with bubbles that flow downward. It’s noted that the beverage has an effect on those who drink it – people pass gas and lift off their seat and in the air. Kids in the theater were laughing.

    Will Kids/ Teens Like It? Yes

    • I interviewed a seven year old girl in the theater who loved the movie. She was aware of the premise of the film and didn’t think it was scary. Her parents liked it as well.

    Overall, The BFG is an entertaining sci-fi, fantasy film. Depending on the child, I feel this is appropriate for kids ages 7 and up. The film may be scary for those who are sensitive.