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    Movie Reviews by Genre

    Delivery Man-Teen Movie Review

    Parenting can be the most difficult job, but by far the most rewarding!!! That’s what David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn), a former sperm donor, eventually realized, though maybe a little too late. David discovered that he was the biological father of 533 children, and 142 of them filed a lawsuit wanting to know their fathers true identity. Initially David was upset and shocked about the news, however after meeting his children (all around 18 to 22 years of age) he learned a lot about himself,  the importance of fatherhood, and the unconditional love that comes with it.

    Delivery ManRating: 4 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date:  Marhc 25, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will It Appeal to Kids? No


    Talking Points:

    It was heartwarming to see how David bonded with his kids. When he initially met them they were around the ages of 18 to 22. Even though he didn’t raise them, or even know them, he loved them dearly and wanted to care and protect  them.  He truly appreciated each and every one; their strengths and weaknesses.

    For the most part, the film is appropriate, however due to the mature subject matter of parenting, kids and teens may not find it entertaining.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • There are several sexual references and comments regarding masturbation with regards to being a  sperm donor.
    • A woman was shown wearing a very short skirt, we saw men flirting with her.

    Violent Content: Mild

    • David owed money to a group of bad guys. They repeatedly dunk him in a bathtub filled with water as a way to force payment.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • The f-word was said once. We also heard “a–,” “b–ch,” “h–,” and “d–n.”

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Characters are shown drinking alcoholic beverages.
    • We see an unconscious woman with drug paraphernalia beside her.

    Will It Appeal to Kids? No

    Overall Delivery Man was an entertaining, heartwarming film, one that adults will especially like. As I previously mentioned, kids and teens may find the subject matter of parenting a little boring.

    Hunger Games: Catching Fire-Teen Movie Review

    The 74th Annual Hunger Games were finished and the winners, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), were ready to go home to District 12 and be with their family and friends. However there wasn’t much time at home due to the “Victory Tour” they had to attend. Visiting each district and pretending to be madly in love was next on their agenda. Continue reading

    Monster’s University-Kids Movie Review

    Kids typically have dreams of what they want to be when they grow up, or have a dream college they want to attend. Monster, Michael “Mike” Wazowski, dreams of being a scarer, a monster who  is able to make kids scream. Mike eventually attends the Scare Program at Monster’s University, and that’s where he meets James “Sulley” P. Sullivan. The two monster’s have different strengths and weaknesses. Mike is an ambitious hard working monster, though not very scary, and Sulley is a natural scarer (he comes from a family of talented scarers), however he doesn’t have the best work ethic.Together the two monsters face various trials and tribulations, but they learn to work together and use their talents to succeed. Monster’s University is the prequel to the 2001 film Monster’s Inc. It’s a wonderful animated film, one for the whole family!


    Monster's UniversityRating: 4 1/2 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date:  October 29, 2013
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 5+
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Moderate
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will It Appeal to Kids? Yes


    Talking Points:

    The film has wonderful messages of  the importance of friendship . Mike and Sulley come to realize that they each have different strengths and weaknesses, they learn how to work together using their own gifts and talents.

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There is a lot of slapstick violence throughout the film. Mike drove a machine while reading a book, and ran over several students.
    • Mike and Sulley get spanked with wooden paddles during their fraternity initiation.
    • The premise of the film is monsters’ scaring children, which may ultimately scare young kids in the theater.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Characters say, “what the…?”

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Characters are shown drinking beverages at college parties  out of red solo cups.

    Will It Appeal to Kids? Yes

    Overall Monster’s University is a fun, entertaining film for kids. Depending on the child, I recommend this film for kids ages 5 and up. Kids that scare easily may be frightened by some of the monsters.

    About Time-Teen Movie Review

    Turning 21 means you’re legal to drink, which is an exciting time for some people. However, on Tim Lake’s (Domhnall Gleeson, who played Bill Weasley in Harry Potter) 21st birthday, drinking is not the only excitement in his life. Tim’s father tells him that the men in their family have the ability to travel back in time. Continue reading

    Thor: The Dark World: Kids Movie Review

    Thor is back to save to the world! Things are going well for the prince of Asgard and guardian of the Nine Realms. He continuously helps his people in various situations and truly cares for their well-being. However it gets complicated when he visits his girlfriend, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) on Earth. When Jane’s not feeling well, Thor discovers that she’s been infected by an Aether, a life-threatening substance. Thor discovers that the evil elf, Malekith, (Chrisopher Eccleston)  is involved, and wants to destroy the universe with the Aether. Now Thor and his colleagues risk their lives not only to save Thor’s true love, but also to safe the world!!

    ThorRating: 4 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: February 25, 2013
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 10+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will It Appeal to Kids? Yes


    Talking Points:

    Thor and other character’s are willing to sacrifice their lives in their attempt to destroy Malekith, the evil villain.

    There is an all-star cast, to name a few; Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Anthony Hopkins.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • We see two different couples kissing.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There were a lot of battles with swords, guns and other weapons used.
    • Spaceships crash and destroy buildings, resulting in several casualties.
    • There were scary monsters and other evil creatures that caused mayhem throughout the film; swallowing humans, throwing cars, and stabbing people.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • We hear “sh-t,” “h–l,” and “d–n,” however, only a few times throughout the film.

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Characters are shown drinking adult beverages.
    • A scientist was known to take several prescription drugs.

    Will It Appeal to Kids? Yes

    Overall Thor is an action packed sci/fi film, one that kids (especially those that like super-hero movies), will enjoy. Depending on the child, I recommend this for kids ages 10 and up. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violent content woven through film.