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    Valentine’s Day Teen Movie Review

    “Valentine’s Day” follows the intertwining story lines of many couples, and singles, over the course of one Valentine’s Day. Throughout the movie, viewers are introduced to a number of characters, all played by famous actors, and their Valentine’s Day stories. Some of their stories are sad, some happy, but they all have one thing in common; how to spend that one special day.

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    Rating: Three out of five buckets
    Release Date: May 18, 2010
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Excessive
    Violent Content: None
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate

    See the trailer here!

    Talking Points:

    It’s a cute, fun movie with a couple of good twists.

    Reed, Ashton Kutcher, has some great lines. “If you’re ever with a girl that’s too good for you, marry her.”

    I thought the movie was appropriately rated, PG13, though parents may feel uncomfortable with some scenes.

    The movie got a little boring, I looked at my watch several times throughout the movie.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • When we are first introduced to many of the Valentine’s Day lovers, they’re shown in bed, wearing skimpy clothes. One couple alluded to the wild sex they had just enjoyed the night before.
    • Anne Hathaway’s character is an adult phone entertainer. We hear many suggestive conversations with her on the phone.
    • I felt most uncomfortable when the high school couple, who are madly in love with each other, plan a romantic encounter. Fortunately, their plans change when the girl decides it’s not the right time. This couple also kiss very passionately several times in school.
    • One couple gets into a fight, when they reunite, they can’t wait for the “make up sex.”

    Violent Content: None

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • Some swearing throughout the film.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate

    • Characters drink alcohol in some scenes.

    I interviewed kids ages 5 to 16. Most of the kids liked it, though a couple of girls also thought it got too long. Two 16 year old boys also really liked it, especially the twists in the movie.

    I know some fourth grade girls that wanted to see this movie because Taylor Swift is in it. I would not recommend it for young girls, I think it’s fine for girls 13 and up. A great date night movie too.

    Overall, it was a fun movie, though the story line got a little too long and boring. But be forewarned, sex is a common theme in the movie. I give it 3 buckets.

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    Water for Elephants-Teen Movie Review

    Twilight fans may get a little confused because our favorite vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is now Jacob. No, he didn’t switch teams, and this is not Twilight. Now Robert Pattinson plays Jacob Jankowski, a young veterinary school student during the depression, in 1931. He’s just about to take his final exam at Cornell University, when he’s suddenly informed that his parents had just died in a car crash, and that the bank owns everything. So Jacob leaves his home, doesn’t take his final exam, and he jumps on a freight train that changes his life for ever. This train belongs to the owners of Benzini Bros. Circus; just where a vet student on the run is meant to land. Now Jacob gets a job with the circus, falls in love with the circus owners wife, Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), and bonds with the special circus elephant, Rosie. This sounds like a romantic love story, which it is, however there’s a lot of drama, violence and suspense in this wonderful movie; which is based on the acclaimed bestseller, Water For Elephants.

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    Rating: Four out of five buckets
    Release Date: November 1, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points
    The owner of the train, August (Christoph Waltz), was an abusive, dangerous man. He abused the animals, his employees, and his beautiful wife, Marlena. However, Jacob’s character was very likable, he’s a kindhearted man, who truly cares for the animals well-being, and the employees of the circus. He stood for what he believed in, and almost risked his life. Oh, he’s not hard to look at either!

    This was a well done movie, with wonderful characters and an unusual subject matter. From the clothes, to the 1930’s music, it was very interesting to see a traveling circus in the depression era. It was much different from the modern love stories in the theaters today.

    While I loved the book, and the movie, there were some things that parents may feel uncomfortable with. This may not be the right movie for the tween girls, who only want to see Robert Pattinson. The content listed below are some reasons why:

    Sexual Content: Moderate
    • Jacob and Marlena have an affair; we see them in a hotel room, and it’s implied they’re having a sexual encounter. Though Jacob rescues her from an abusive relationship, she is still a married women. Something that could spark a parent/child conversation.
    • Circus performers talk about some sexual situations that they had been in.
    • One circus girl performed a striptease act for all the men involved in the circus. We only see her back, but it’s implied that she’s topless. She also fondles Jacob and wants to be with him.

    Violent Content: Excessive and Disturbing
    The movie has many violent and disturbing scenes:
    • August, the owner, went from being a nice, happy, lovable guy, to an evil person at any given moment. His mood swings were creepy and scary. He abused Rosie the elephant with his bull hook, while viciously jabbing him.
    • August abused his wife Marlena, this was disturbing to see, which may scare some kids.
    • When August doesn’t have enough money to pay his employees, he throws them out of the moving train. We see two dead men who were thrown out onto rocks near the track.

    Crude/Profane Language: Mild
    • I was so focused on the violence that I only noticed a small amount of profanity. Words such as; the s-word, d-word and the a-word.

    Water for Elephants was a wonderful book and movie. I loved the storyline with the drama and suspense, and the romantic aspect of it. However, I review movies on whether they are appropriate for kids; I would not recommend this movie for kids under 13. I think even some older teens may feel uncomfortable with the subject matter.

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    Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2- Teen Movie Review

    Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is no longer torn between Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Edward (Robert Pattinson). She is now happily married to Edward Cullen, she’s a vampire, and she’s the mother to their beautiful daughter Renesmee. Jacob is still around, though a close family friend, and not a threat to Edward. Initially things are going well for the vampires, however problems arise when the Volturi, a powerful group of vampires who enforce the laws, find out that Renesmee was conceived and carried while Bella was a mortal; she is half-human/ half-vampire. This is very rare, and a threat in the vampire world. To prevent an attack from the Volturi, the Cullens gather Vampire clans from around the world to witness their daughter’s innocence. So now the Cullens, their allies, and the wolf pack are prepared meet with the Volturi, hoping for a peaceful resolution. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, is the fifth and final movie in the Twilight series, a movie the Twi-hards will most likely enjoy.

     Click here for Movie Bucket Ratings!

    Rating: 3 and 1/2 buckets out of 5
    Release Date: March 2, 2013
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild
    Will Kids Like It?


    See the trailer here!

    Talking Points:

    I love the strong family dynamics in this film and the whole series. Bella and her father have an endearing relationship. The Cullen’s are a very close knit family as well.

    The closing credits featured all the actors that have appeared in a Twilight movie. This was very well done, a nice way to wrap up the series.

    I thought the first half of the movie was very corny, but it gradually got better.

    This was not my favorite Twilight film, though I interviewed people after the movie, and they all liked it. From teenagers to adults, they thought it was their favorite of the series.

    I read that this film had a hard time avoiding an R rating due to the violent content.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • We saw Bella and Edward in bed making love, their first time as a vampire couple. This was a very sensual scene with romantic music in the background. We saw bare backs and legs.
    • There are sexual comments about vampire couples breaking the furniture while in a sexual encounter.
    • In one scene Jacob took off his clothes, though not his boxers. The audience liked that!!!

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • The battle between the Cullens and the Voluri was very graphic. We saw a lot of decapitations and dead bodies all over.
    • We saw a vampire woman being forced to kneel before a fire; her head was twisted until it snapped off. She and her child were thrown into a fire to burn.
    • We saw a child with blood dripping down his chin.
    • A vampire attacked a human in an alley, throwing him to the ground and biting his neck.
    • Bella attacked a mountain lion and bit his neck.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “A–,” and “h—,” were said.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • We see Bella’s dad drinking a beer.

    Will Kids Like It? Yes

    Twi-hards will most likely see this movie. Some may like it, some may not. Though the Twilight Saga has come to a conclusion, the vampires will live forever!!! Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence. Depending on the child, this film is appropriate for kids ages 12 and up.

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    Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 Review

    Most everyone was excited for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and now the wedding that all the twihards have been waiting for; Edward Cullen’s (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart). In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 1 we saw the beautiful couple say their vows, as their guests all celebrated joyfully,(except for Jacob Black), we saw an elegant setting in the garden of the Cullen mansion, but most importantly we saw a happy a couple that have had their share of problems over the years! As the newlyweds departed to a Brazilian Island for their honeymoon, like most newlyweds; life was great. The honeymoon started out with passionate evenings, swimming under a waterfall, and quietly playing chess. However, things changed when Edward, a vampire who doesn’t know his own strength, realized that his wife was covered in bruises from their romantic evenings. As Edward felt terribly guilty, he and Bella soon came to realize that the consequences from their sexual encounters changed their lives forever. In this fourth segment of the Stephanie Meyer’s bestselling book series, we once again see romance, passion and intrigue with the vampires and werewolf’s we’ve grown to know and love over the years.

    Rating: 4 out of 5 buckets.
    Release Date: February 11, 2012
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content
    Violent Content:
    Crude or Profane Language:
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild


    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points:

    I enjoyed the romantic element of the movie. From when Bella’s dad walked her down the aisle, which by way brought tears to my eyes, to the honeymoon in Brazil.

    The love and commitment that Edward and Bella shared was very youthful and refreshing. When faced with difficult circumstances, Edward was committed to keeping his true love safe, no matter what he had to face.

    Werewolf, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), was also committed to keeping Bella safe, even though it meant going against his own pack.

    Bella showed courage and sacrifice when she refused to take Edward’s advice and “get rid” of their unborn child. Even though her pregnancy could have killed her, she was willing to sacrifice her life. When everyone was telling her to abort the child, Bella commented by saying, “it’s not his fault.”

    I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies thus far. When I initially read Breaking Dawn I thought the storyline was a little strange and creepy, though I still liked it, after all I am a twihard! Having said that I thought the movie was strange and creepy as well, especially the birthing scene!

    Like the first part of the book, the movie was a little slow, not very exciting or suspenseful, however, I know that the action will come in part 2.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • We saw the couple passionately kissing several times.
    • We saw them naked from the waist up, hugging under a water fall.
    • Bella wore tight shorts and tee-shirts. She also wore some sexy lingerie outfits.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • Bella’s pregnancy was painful to see. She was torn apart by her unborn child. She looked emaciated and pale throughout her pregnancy.
    • Her C-section, performed by the Cullens, was a very bloody ordeal. Edward and Bella were covered in blood.
    • Edward attacked and bit the throats of several men.
    • The werewolves and vampires had some viscous fights, where bodies were thrown in all directions.
    • After the wedding night we saw multiple bruises all over Bella’s body.
    • Bella drank several cups of blood, to feed her baby. That was disgusting!!!

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • The h-word and d-word is said.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Wedding guests drank champagne and cocktails.

    The teenage love affair between the Twilight characters has now moved into a more serious direction of marriage and kids; which brought a more serious tone to the movie.Though we know there aren’t any werewolves or vampires in our lives, and we know that almost nothing in the Twilight films could ever really happen; though we do know that teenagers may fall in love, and there are life challenges no matter if your a werewolf, vampire or a human! Depending on the child; with the gory birthing scene, and moderate sexual content, I recommend this film for kids ages 13 and up.

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    Unstoppable Review

    Unstoppable is based on a true story, about an unmanned, runaway train filled with explosives and toxins traveling through Pennsylvania. It’s up to a veteran engineer Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington), and a young conductor Will Colson (Chris Pine) to prevent a major catastrophe from happening.

    Rating: Four out of five buckets
    Release Date: February 15, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 11+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Excessive
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Moderate

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points:

    The premise of the movie is about a runaway train, and that’s it. You may think, how can I watch a ninety-eight minute movie about a runway train? Well, you will be on the edge of your seat the moment that train is loose. This is an entertaining, suspenseful, action packed movie, one that my three kids and I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Frank Barnes(Denzel Washington) and Will Colson(Chris Pine), are two very likable characters, and at completely different stages in life. Throughout all the action, we see an emotional side to them. We hear about Frank’s (Denzel Washington) two daughter’s, who work at Hooter’s restaurant, and Will’s (Chris Pine), struggles with his marriage. These are two average guys trying to save thousands of lives.

    I brought my 14 year old daughter, and 13 and 11 year old boys. My daughter was not interested in seeing it. She typically likes a good “chic flick,” but she loved this movie. She thought it was very interesting, and was at the edge of her seat as well. My boys loved the action, though after the movie my eleven year old said, “I will never ride on a train.”

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • There are no sexual references or scenes. They show a couple scenes at Hooter’s restaurant, which was fine.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    High-action film, which may frighten younger kids.

    • The train, which is going about 70 mph, crashes through many obstacles on it’s track, there are loud explosions and noises.
    • At one point, the runway train is headed towards another train, which is full of young kids on a field trip. This was a very suspenseful part.

    Profanity: Excessive

    There were a lot of swear words used throughout the whole movie. I read in a review that, “The crassness only serves to distract, and it derails any fun a family audience might have had.”

    Overall this is an entertaining movie. However, with the heavy profanity and high-action intense scenes, I would recommend this movie for kids ages eleven and up.

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