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    Movie Reviews

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    Movie Reviews by Genre

    Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol Review

    Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is the fourth movie in the series of Mission: Impossible. The Impossible Mission Force, otherwise known as IMF, is shut down when it’s implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin. That’s when Ghost Protocol begins, as Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his new team go undercover to clear their organization’s name. Without any help or high tech support from …it’s up to this group to save the world! If you like suspenseful, action packed movies, this is the one for you!

    Rating: 4 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: April 17, 2012
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12 +
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild


    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points:

    I enjoyed the character’s in the film; from newcomer Jeremy Renner as Brandt to Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. They were all entertaining and very captivating.

    I loved how the spies worked as team to complete their mission. This could spark some good parent/child conversations.

    The movie is very violent, maybe a little too much for a PG13 rating.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • Women wear low-cut out, revealing outfits.
    • Agent Jane Carter seduces an Indian media mogul as he’s showing her his private art collection.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • Throughout the film there are many fist fights, gun shots, explosions and car chases.
    • A bad guy kidnaps a weapons expert, while his family is held hostage.
    • When Ethan is in prison we see many prisoners beating on each other and on the guards.
    • We see several charactera being shot and killed.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Words such as “sh-t”, “d–n”, and “h–l,” are used several times throughout the film.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Character’s drink alcohol at various points in the film.

    Overall this was a very intense, violent and exciting movie; I was on the edge of my seat!!! Depending on whether your child is sensitive to violent scenes, I would say the film is appropriate for kids ages 12 and up.

    “Your mission is, should you choose to accept,” see Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.

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    Mirror Mirror Review

    “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Mirror Mirror is a comedic adaptation of the Snow White legend that we’re all familiar with. In this film, Julia Roberts is the evil Queen who steals control of a kingdom and becomes a ruthless, cruel ruler. However, things change when the seven courageous dwarfs help Snow White (Lily Collins) fight to reclaim her birthright, and also win the heart of her true love…Prince Alcott (Armie Hammer).

    Rating: 4 out of 5 buckets.
    Release Date: June 26, 2012
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 8+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Moderate
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild


    See the trailer here!

    Talking Points:

    I loved seeing the transformation of Snow White. She starts out as a meek child and turns into a respectable, strong, leader. With hard work and determination, she eventually believed in herself, and had the confidence to do the right thing. A great parent child conversation.

    This was a very entertaining film for the whole family, as kids will enjoy the fun character’s and the colorful scenery. Along with action and suspense.

    It was sad to see the towns people suffer as the Queen raised their taxes to buy lavish gowns, and throw amazing balls.

    During a full body treatment, the Queen was stung by bees and scorpions, in addition to bird poop being smeared across her face. This was a disgusting scene.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • The Queen gives Prince Andrew a love potion, which causes him to fall madly in love with the her. He jumps on her, pushes her onto the bed, while licking her face.
    • Snow White passionately kisses the prince.

    Violent Content: Moderate

    • The evil Queen was on a mission to kill Snow White. She becomes very obsessed and cruel while trying to obtain her goal.
    • There were many fist fights and sword fights throughout the film, though sometimes shown in a comedic way.
    • Two character’s were captured by bandits and tied up, while hanging upside down. The prince and the Queen’s soldiers were attacked by the same villains. Even though violent, this was a silly, funny scene as well.
    • Characters were attacked by a magical, large creature, which may scare younger kids.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “Idiot,” and “jerk,” are said.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • One dwarf came home drunk after a night at a pub.

    Overall this is a fun, action packed, entertaining movie for the whole family. Parents need to be aware of the moderate violence throughout the film. I recommend this for kids ages 8 and up.

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    Megamind Review

    This is the story about Megamind (Will Ferrell), a brilliant but unsuccessful supervillain. Megamind wanted nothing more than to conquer Metor City, but failed at every attempt, because of his arch nemesis and superhero Metro Man (Brad Pitt). During one of Megaminds evil attempts to conquer the city, he actually kills Metro Man. Megamind’s dream has finally come true, but he realizes that not having a superhero to fight makes his life pointless and boring. So he decides to create a new opponent and hero. The only problem is that this new hero would rather be a villain than a good guy. So now Megamind has to decide how to handle his new creation.

    Rating: Four out of five buckets
    Release Date: February 25, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: Any age
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Moderate
    Crude or Profane Language: None
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: None

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points:

    This is a fun entertaining movie with a lot of good messages. Megamind had a rough childhood, he was very unattractive, not popular, and he was always picked last in school sports. As an adult he started to think that the only thing he’d be good at would to become an evil villain, and conquer the world. He eventually realizes that none of that matters, and that, “You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

    Another message that Roxanne (Tina Fay), the cute TV reporter says, “As long as there is evil, good will stand up to it.” She also said, “The bad guy never gets the girl.”

    Megamind said, “We never know how good we have it, until it’s gone.”

    Violent Content:

    There are a lot of action scenes with many fights, and explosions. Megamind shrinks people to small cubes with a freeze-drying ray gun. He has some other scary looking weapons. This may frighten some kids.


    No profanity, not even potty humor that are typically in animated films.

    I didn’t like Brad Pitt in an animated movie, he’s better on the screen. However, Will Ferrell and Tina Fay were great.

    I interviewed kids ages 3 to 5 after the movie. Some comments were; “It was awesome, I loved it, It was so funny.” A mom told me that she loved the messages in the movie.

    To sum things up, parents laughed, kids were quiet, and Brad Pitt didn’t get the girl…..this was a good movie!

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    Mars Needs Moms Review

    “My mom washes my clothes, my mom vacuums, my mom tucks me in.” That’s what nine year-old Milo (voice of Seth Green) said when he discovered that his mom was captured by Martians.It all started one night when Milo and his mom (voice of Joan Cusack) had an argument, (Milo didn’t eat his broccoli), and Milo said, “My life would be better if I didn’t have a mom at all.” Milo soon came to realize that he really did need his mom, however the Martians thought they needed her more, so they grabbed her, and off to Mars they went. Now it’s up to Milo to rescue his mom from Mars, and let her know how much she’s loved and needed in their home….something all mom’s want love to hear.

    Rating: Five out of five buckets
    Release Date: August 9, 2011
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: Any age
    Sexual Content: None
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: None

    See a clip of my review here!

    Talking Points
    This movie is absolutely adorable. It’s a heartwarming movie, one for the whole family, with a blatant message about the importance of love, and that, “Moms are great and family is essential.”

    After Milo told his mom, that his life would be better if he didn’t have her; he felt awful and immediately wanted to apologize, though it was too late. This could spark a good parent/child discussion. It was cute to see how determined he was to try to save his mom.

    This film was very fun, with likable characters: Gribble (voice of Dan Fogler), another human stranded on Mars, was funny, and had a lot of good one-liners. He was Milo’s “best bud,” and very tech-savvy, which helped Milo later in the movie.

    Sexual Content: None

    Violent Content: Mild
    • Some Martians shoot lasers at Milo and his friends.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    • Words like “dummy” and “jerk” were used.

    I laughed and I cried in this wonderful animated movie. Parents will love the messages about love and family, and kids will love the characters and storyline. Mars needs his moms, but don’t we all! Good for all ages!

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    Marley and Me Review

    Based on the best selling memoir by John Grogan, Marley and Me is a love affair between a dog and his family. Most moms would recognize Marley, he’s like a child stuck in the terrible twos. Part of the movie was the families relationship with their dog, the other part was the husband and wife relationship. It’s a warm, funny and entertaining which affirms the importance of family.

    Rating: Four out of five buckets
    Release Date: March 31, 2009
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 10+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent Content: Mild
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    See the trailer here!

    Talking Points:

    Marely is high strung, boisterous and uncontrolled; he crashes through screen doors, rips up couches, chews on books, chairs, rugs, toys; he even gets expelled from obedience school.But at the same time, he’s boisterous and uncontrolled with his love. As John narrates, “ A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, clever or dumb. Give him your heart and he’ll give you his. How many people can make you feel extraordinary?” This could spark some great parent/child conversations.

    Many moms would be uncomfortable with the profanity and sexual components to the movie.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • There are women wearing skimpy bikinis, the couple goes skinny dipping, and there are some sexual jokes and provocative conversations.

    Violent Content: Mild

    • A women is attacked by a mugger, we see her collapsed by her car, covered with blood.
    • Slapstick silly violence with Marley. Marley chews on chairs, rugs, toys and many other things.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • Words such as “h–,” “b–ch,” “a–,” and “b–tard,” are used.

    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • Characters drink wine and beer.

    Overall I enjoyed this movie, however I feel it could have been rated PG13. After the movie a mom said to me, “Now I have to give my 8 year old “the talk”. My 12 year old kept saying, “It should be PG13”. Sometimes parents should be aware of before seeing this movie.

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