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    Movie Reviews

    Home-Kids’ Movie Review

    “Home is not a home without family.” That’s what Tip (Rihanna) says. Tip is a young girl who’s the only human left on Earth. When an alien race, called the Boov, conquer Earth and relocate all of the human population, Tip manages to hide from the aliens. Feeling sad and alone, she desperately wants to find her mother. The day she meets a fugitive Boov, called Oh (Jim Parsons), things begin to change. Initially they don’t trust one another, though after much time together they develop a special bond and eventually become good friends. The misfit couple come across several adventures as Oh is on the run from the Boov’s enemies, and Tip is on the run to find her mother, and to be home once again. Home is a wonderful animated film for the whole family.







    HomeRating: 4 and 1/2 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: July 28, 2015
    MPAA Rating: PG
    Best Age Group: 5+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content:
    Will Kids Like It?




    Talking Points:

    • This is story about the importance of family and caring of others.
    • The movie highlights some dangers of social media as Oh accidentally sends an evite to the whole universe; inviting them to a house warming party.
    • There is a lot of potty humor. Oh brushes his teeth with a toilet brush. There are several jokes discussing the difference between going number one, number two or number three. Two Boov’s discuss their “pee break.”
    • Oh lies a lot… the Boov turn green when they lie.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • When a Boov stumbles in a trap, he’s hit with dirty laundry  and some makeup. We see him covered in pink with a bra on his head.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Moderate

    • The villains use gigantic earthmovers to try and destroy the Earth’s surface. Slapstick violence ensues with the destruction of cars and buildings.
    • A character repeatedly bonks others on the head with his staff, which he calls the “shusher.”

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • Name calling…”lying fart face.”

    Drug and Alcohol Content: None

    Will Kids Like It? Yes

    • I interviewed a family with a 4 year old son and 6 year old daughter. The two kids loved the film, they thought the characters were fun and didn’t get scared by the bad guys.

    Overall this is a wonderful animated film with fun loving characters.

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