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    Movie Reviews

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Kids Movie Review

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is centered around the lives of four six-foot tall talking turtles…Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo, all of whom are named after famous Renaissance figures. These lovable teenage turtles live in the sewers below New York City, and were properly raised by a man-sized rat named Splinter. The turtles and Splinter have a nice quiet life in their home, however things change when the turtles and rat get involved with a news correspondent named April O’Neil (Megan Fox). As April is trying to break a story about a gang robbery, she eventually comes to realize that there are evil villains trying to destroy New York City.  Now it’s up to the four turtles, the rat and the beautiful newscaster to save The Big Apple.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesRating: 4 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: December 16, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 8+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will it Appeal to kids/ teens? Yes


     Talking Points:

    It’s noted in the film that the turtles were raised to be hardworking and honorable teenage creatures. This could spark a good parent/child conversation.

    Kids were at the edge of their seats watching the action and adventure of the lovable turtles.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • One of the turtles makes a comment about April saying, “She’s so hot I can feel my shell tightening.”

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • Character’s are shot, kicked, thrown around, and brutally beaten.
    • Villains abuse and torture Splinter and the turtles with jolts of electricity. They’re also beaten, stabbed and shot.
    • A character is covered with toxins, we see his burned and oozing skin as he slowly dies.
    • As one of the turtles is beaten, his shell is almost cracked open.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “A–,” is said, “stupid,” and  “numbnuts.”

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • The turtles are injected with mutagens.

    Will it Appeal to kids/teens? Yes

    • I interviewed two 9 year old boy who said they loved the action and suspense.

    Overall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a fun action packed film for kids. Having said that, parents need to be aware of the excessive violence in the movie. Depending on the child, this is appropriate for kids 8 and up.

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