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    Movie Reviews

    Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies-Kids Movie Review

    Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield and the rest of the dwarves fight the dragon to reclaim their homeland and reclaim the gold treasures found in Lonely Mountain.  Ultimately Thorin battles with greed, obsession and five armies of dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins and men. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is the third and final film of The Hobbit trilogy.

    Hobbit- The Battle of Five ArmiesRating: 4 out of 5 popcorn buckets
    Release Date: March 24, 2015
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 11+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drug and Alcohol Content:
    Will Kids/ Teens Like It?


    Talking Points:

    There are many  battles woven through the film. Having said that, the main characters are fighting for peace and justice.

    The subject of greed and the evil it instills  is portrayed as we see Thorin obsessed with his possession of gold. At one point Gandalf  tells Bilbo, “Don’t underestimate the evil of gold,” referring to Thorin’s greed.

    This film has more violence than the other Hobbit films. Something parents need to be aware of.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • A character disguising himself as a woman by stuffing his chest with gold.

    Violent/Disturbing Content: Excessive

    • There are numerous battles throughout the film involving not only men but goblins, dwarves, elves, bats, trolls, Orcs and giant worms.
    • Characters are impaled, beheaded, slashed and brutally beaten.
    • A female character is shown repeatedly thrown against stone walls and stairs.
    • Dwarves are stabbed and thrown off cliffs.
    • We see explosions and character’s burning to death.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “B-tards” was said once.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Mild

    • A character drinks wine, and another smokes a pipe.

    Will Kids Like It? Yes

    Overall the fans of The Hobbit series will enjoy the film. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violent scenes throughout the film.

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