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    Sci-Fi movie reviews

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier-Kids Movie Reviews

    He’s not a big guy, he’s deemed unfit for the military, but he’s a dedicated American…he’s Captain America. Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America (Chris Evans) teams up with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) to take down a Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. Captain America: The Winter Soldier takes place right after the end of The Avengers, it’s a fun, though violent, entertaining film about a great American superhero.

    Captain America-The Winter SoldierRating: 4 out of 5
    Release Date: September 9, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 12+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will it Appeal to kids? Yes


    Talking Points:

    Captain America is a good guy and always wants to do the right thing. He even tries to save the bad guys! He’s a good role model for kids.

    There’s an all-star cast, to name a few; Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford, Anthony Mackie and Cobie Smulders.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • A couple passionately kiss.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There are a lot of fights throughout the movie which include brutal and violent punches, kicks and stabbings.
    • Captain America takes a lot of abuse as he’s shocked with a Taser, stabbed, shot  and brutally beaten.
    • There are several explosions.
    • Characters are shown with open wounds and broken limbs.
    • There are car, truck and plane crashes.
    • An innocent cleaning lady is shot and killed.
    • A man is pushed off a high building.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    •  We hear “sh-t,” “a–,” “b–ch,” and “h—,” a few times each.

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • We see characters drinking champagne.

    Will it Appeal to kids? Yes

    Overall this is an exciting movie, parents need to be aware of the excessive violence throughout the film. Depending on the child, I recommend this for kids ages 12 and up.

    Transcendence-Teen Movie Review

    Technology is a wonderful thing, but can it go too far? In Transcendence, Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is a famous, though controversial, researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Things get difficult for this bright scientist when an anti-technology organization fights to prevent him from going too far.

    TranscendenseRating: 3 out of 5
    Release Date: July 22, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 15+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Mild
    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild
    Will it Appeal to kids? No


    Talking Points:

    Transcendence is an interesting and captivating film. Having said that, it gets confusing and may not appeal to kids or teens.

    The film could spark some great conversations regarding the advancement of technology.

    Sexual Content: Mild

    • In a dream we see a couple passionately kissing in bed.

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • A bomb explodes in a lab and kills numerous people.
    • Characters are  punched, kicked and brutally beaten.
    • We see injured characters with open wounds covered with blood.
    • A needle is injected into a blind man’s eye.

    Crude or Profane Language: Mild

    • “Sh-t,” and “h–l,” are used.

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • We see characters drinking beer and wine.

    Will it Appeal to kids? No

    Overall this is an interesting film, though may not appeal to kids/teens. Parents need to be aware of the excessive violence and dark theme.

    Divergent-Teen Movie Review

    “The Dauntless never give up,”and that’s why Beatrice Prior (Shailene Woodley) chooses to be in the Dauntless faction. Set in futuristic Chicago, people are divided into factions based on human virtues. Abnegation (the selfless), Amity (the kind), Candor (the honest), Dauntelss (the brave) and Erudite (the intelligent). The storyline centers around the life of 16-year old Beatrice Prior. Continue reading

    Mr. Peabody And Sherman- Kids Movie Review

    “Every dog should have a boy,” that’s what Mr. Peabody (voice of Ty Burrell) says about his mischievous son Sherman (voice of Max Charles). Mr. Peabody is an extremely intelligent talking dog who has adopted a boy named Sherman. The two live in a New York City penthouse: Sherman goes to school like most 7 year old boys, and Mr. Peabody is a loving dedicated father who takes care of the house and brings home the bacon. Peabody and Sherman also like to have fun! Continue reading

    Vampire Academy-Kids Movie Review

    At St. Vladimir’s Academy you won’t find the beloved Twilight vampires, Edward Cullen or Bella Swan, however you will find Rose Hathaway (Zoey Deutch) and her best friend Princess Lissa Dragomir. Rose is a dhampir, the half human, half vampire clan who protect the good vampires from the bad vampires. Lissa is a Moroi, the good vampires that can peacefully co-exist amongst humans. Then there are the Strigois, the evil vampires who drink to kill. Though you won’t find the Twilight vampires in this series, you will still find drama, romance and conflict between the good vampires vs. evil vampires. Vampire Academy, based on the young adult novel, “Vampire Academy,” is an action packed teenage drama.

    Vampire AcademyRating: 3 out of 5 buckets
    Release Date: May 20, 2014
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Moderate
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol: None
    Will it Appeal to Teens? Yes


    Talking Points:

    There are some “mean girl” teenage issues in the film, however at the end of the movie a teenage girl delivers a speech to her classmates. She states the importance of  being kind to one another and to let go of the petty behavior that was portrayed throughout the film.

    Kids that have read the book will most likely enjoy the film…adults may want to catch another movie.

    Sexual Content: Moderate

    • Teen couples are shown kissing  and making out.
    • There are sexual references and discussions regarding losing ones virginity, wet dreams, a threesome and herpes.
    • We see Rose, wearing only a bra and underwear,  in bed making out with a guy she has a crush on. He’s seen only wearing boxers.
    • Rose is labeled as a “blood whore.”

    Violent Content: Excessive

    • There are numerous battles with gun shots, stabbings, punches, kicks and body slams.
    • We see the good vampires feed on humans. This is a little disturbing because the humans thought they were going to  a blood drive. The vampires bite the humans’ wrists, sometimes leaving a little blood on their face.
    • We see vampire attacks, resulting in multiple casualties.
    • We hear someone’s leg breaking and another character’s neck being broken.
    • A mangled dead fox is shown hanging outside someones door.
    • A girl’s cat is killed, then put in her backpack.

    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate

    • “B–ch,” “a–,” “d–n,” and “h–,’ are each said numerous times.

    Drugs and Alcohol: Mild

    • Vampires are shown drinking blood from wine glasses.

    Will it Appeal to Kids? Yes

    • I interviewed four teenagers that had read the book. They all loved the movie and said it was similar to the book, though a little corny.

    Overall this is an action packed film with romance and comedy permeated throughout the film. Depending on the child, this film is appropriate for kids ages 13 and up.