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    Movie Reviews

    Remember Me Review

    “This movie is about death, drinking, smoking and sex,” that’s what I told my husband after I saw it. Then I said, “oh, by the way our daughter is seeing this movie tonight.” Yes, I did let my 13 year old daughter and five of her friends see this adult movie, with their favorite vampire, Robert Pattinson, as the main character.

    “Remember Me” is an intense drama, and a love story, about two families struggling with the death of a loved one. Though two completely different circumstances, the outcome is still the same; how to cope with their loss. Luckily for Tyler (Robert Pattinson), and Ally (Emille de Ravin), his girlfriend, they have each other to help with deal their struggles.

    Rating: Two out of five buckets
    Release Date: June 22, 2010
    MPAA Rating: PG13
    Best Age Group: 13+
    Sexual Content: Mild
    Violent Content: Excessive
    Crude or Profane Language: Moderate
    Drugs and Alcohol Content: Excessive

    See a clip of my review!

    Talking Points:

    This is not only a love story between Ally and Tyler, it’s also a story about the importance of family. Tyler (Robert Pattinson), is a loving, affectionate brother to his 6th grade sister. Both Tyler and Ally have relationship issues with their fathers, but ultimately they both love and respect them, and realize the importance of family.

    Sexual Content:

    • Ally and Tyler have many passionate sex scenes. There is no nudity, but it’s implied what they’re doing, in bed, under the covers.
    • Tyler’s roommate brags about how many women he’s slept with.
    • We see a brief clip from “American Pie.” The scene when the father walks in on his son in bed with a girl.

    Violent/Disturbing Content:

    • The opening scene shows Ally, as an 11 year old girl, waiting for the subway with her mom. Two hoodlums take her mom’s purse, they shoot her mom, while Ally is watching the whole thing, screaming .
    • Tyler gets into a big brawl outside a bar, his face gets slammed against a windshield.
    • Tyler and Ally’s dad get into a big fight, Tyler is nearly choked to death.

    Crude or Profane Language: Excessive

    • Swearing throughout the whole movie.

    Drug and Alcohol Content: Excessive

    • Characters drank and smoke throughout the movie.

    Overall, this is a PG13 movie (could have been rated R), with an adult subject matter. This movie is not a question of, are you in the Edward or Jacob camp? ( Like in the Twilight movies). This is a movie which happens to have Robert Pattinson in it, but this time he’s not the loving, innocent vampire, that most preteens and teenage girls are dying to see. This time he’s a 21 year old college student with real life issues; he continually smokes, drinks, and get into numerous fights, throughout the movie. This is something parents should know. I would not recommend this for preteens, but could be appropriate for teenage girls (high school girls).

    I give it 2 out of 5 buckets. I enjoyed the movie, so did the other moms in the theater. However, my only concern is that the young “Twilight” fans will want to see this movie as well, and it’s not appropriate for them.

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